Saturday, June 16, 2018


Hello Freelancer, Get the FACEBOOK DEVELOPMENT TEST of Latest version 2018. We are ready here to provide your desire upwork test answer. We already tested all exam test information Available include on here. So Dear, Why Late? Read the below full exam test and get more information from our website. 

1. In which situations will you recieve the $API_EC_TIMEOUT error?
  1. When the user’s login credentials for Facebook are incorrect.
  2. When the applications API key is invalid.
  3. When the user already has an application session open with another application.
  4. When the current session key expires.
2. Finished applications that have been submitted show up in…
  1. Google
  2. Developers Discussion Group
  3. Developers News Feed
  4. Facebook Application Directory
3. A developer has to be logged in to use the test console.
  1. True
  2. False
4. A Facebook application can have an infinite session:
  1. True
  2. False
5. For a balanced and centered profile box your content must be about how many pixels wide?
  1. 75px
  2. 180px
  3. 220px
6. To override your callback url you must pass the following parameter to the Facebook API:
  1. override
  2. url
  3. canvas
  4. nextpage
7. How does the Facebook API tie accepted IP addresses to your application?
  1. The first IP to connect to the application is always allowed and the rest are disabled.
  2. A variable called valid_ips is passed upon logging into the application.
  3. When the api_key variable is passed to FBAPI the API can pull these IP’s from your application profile.
8. Applications can send notification messages to a Facebook user’s inbox.
  1. True
  2. False
9. How can an application publish a user action to the public news feed?
  1. fql.publishStory
  2. notifications.send
  3. feed.publishActionOfUser
  4. Facebook servers do this automatically.
10. FQL stands for…
  1. Facebook Quotation Layer
  2. Free Query Logistics
  3. Facebook Query Logistic
  4. Facebook Query Layer
  5. Facebook Query Language
11. API stands for…
  1. A Programmatic Inheritance
  2. Alpha Production Interface
  3. Alpha Programming Service
  4. Application Programming Interface
12. Which of the following is not a FQL table?
  1. user
  2. friend
  3. email_address
  4. group
  5. group_member
13. Email notifications are sent in plain text only; they do not support html.
  1. True
  2. False
14. How do you change the format that Facebook methods will use to return data to your application?
  1. Change the format in your application preferences.
  2. Your application must format the data to the type you want.
  3. Your application will pass a ‘format’ GET variable to the API indicating a supported format.
  4. You cannot change the format; Facebook only supports XML.
15. Email notifications must always include the fb:name tag in the beginning email body.
  1. True
  2. False
16. When creating a photo album, what is the default return value for cover_pid?
  1. 1
  2. the same as your album_id
  3. 101
  4. 0
17. If your API key is invalid you will receive the following error number from the Facebook API:
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 565
  4. 101
  5. 102
18. A user must log into Facebook before using your application.
  1. True
  2. False
19. Email notifications can be sent by passing the email param to which method?
  1. notifications.send
  2. notification.sendEmail
20. Error code 103 indicates that your signature is incorrect.
  1. True
  2. False
21. The FQL syntax equivalent to the friends.get method is…
  1. SELECT friends FROM user_friends WHERE userid1=loggedInUid
  2. SELECT this FROM friends WHERE uid1=loggedInUid
  3. SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=loggedInUid
  4. SELECT user_friends FROM users WHERE (uid1=loggedInUid and friends=uid2)
22. Error code 103 indicates that….
  1. The application has reached the maximum amount of requests allowed.
  2. The service is not allowed at this time.
  3. The submitted call_id has not incremented since the last call_id was passed.
  4. An unknown error has occurred.
23. At most an application can send how many notifications per day?
  1. 60
  2. 40
  3. 25
  4. 10
24. FBML stands for…
  1. Facebook Meeting Layer
  2. Facebook Manipulation Layer
  3. Facebook Mega Language
  4. Facebook Markup Language
25. Desktop applications must use which protocol when executing the auth.createToken method?
  1. HTTP
  2. HTTPS
  3. IMAP
  4. JSON
26. Facebook API is only compatible with open source servers like Linux.
  1. True
  2. False
27. What are Profile Action Links?
  1. Links on your application which lead to a user’s profile.
  2. Links on a user’s profile at the bottom of the page leading to your application.
  3. Links under the user’s profile picture which link to more information about their use of your application.
28. Facebook Applications can use cross-domain scripting by submitting which variable when authenticating the auth token?
  1. sig
  2. domain_script
  3. callback
  4. script_token
29. Which of the following is not an event RSVP status?
  1. attending
  2. not sure
  3. declined
  4. not_replied
30. On the application’s About Page a user will always see all of the developer’s personal Facebook account information.
  1. True
  2. False
31. How can you find out which of the user’s friends are also subscribed to your application?
  1. You cannot find this out.
  2. fql.query(“select user, uid from friends where app_id='”.$appID.”‘);
  3. friends.getAppUsers()
32. The FB API requires only one key to be passed when connecting.
  1. True
  2. False
33. The only way to get the Facebook ID of the user who is logged in is to use this method: users.getLoggedInUser
  1. True
  2. False
34. Which Hex color code does Facebook use for the Header and Links?
  1. #3b5998
  2. #ddefef
  3. rgb(244,344,22)
  4. #ccc
35. FQL supports certain string function calls that can evaluate a string before executing a query.
  1. True
  2. False
36. Within a Facebook Application the ‘canvas page’ is…
  1. A small box on the user’s profile page for the application to run in.
  2. A large news feed box on the user’s profile page that the application runs in.
  3. A sidebar application that runs in the user’s profile.
  4. The right column of the Facebook site. It can be as large, or larger than a user’s profile page.
37. The Facebook v1 API supports SOAP protocols.
  1. True
  2. False

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