Hi Friends, Today i am sharing with you latest HTML5 exam Test Question and Answers for Upwork
- var context = canvas.getContext();
- var context = canvas.getElementById(“context”);
- var context = canvas.getContext(“2d”); (Ans)
- var context = canvas.getElementById(“2d”);
Which of the following <section> elements have the correct attribute assignment as per HTML 5.0?
a. <section id=”example”>…</section id=”example”>
b. <section id=”example”>…</section id=”example2″>
c. <section id=”EXAMPLE”>…</section>
d. <section id=”Example”>…</section>
e. <section id=”example”>…</section>
Ans : c. <section id=”EXAMPLE”>…</section>
Ans : d. <section id=”Example”>…</section>
Ans : e. <section id=”example”>…</section>
Which of the following are valid HTML 5.0 elements?
a. <canvas>
b. <summary>
c. <aside>
d. <video>
Ans : a. <canvas>
Ans : c. <aside>
Ans : d. <video>
Can we store JavaScript Objects directly into localStorage?
- Yes
- No (ans)
Consider the following items of a <select> list: <option value=”89″>Item 1</option> <option value=”90″>Item 2</option> Which of the following values would be passed on by clicking the submit butt…
- 89
- 90
- Item 1 (ans)
- Item 2
Consider the following JavaScript code: var c=document.getElementById(“myCanvas”); var ctx=c.getContext(“2d”); var img=document.getElementById(“img”); Which method will correctly draw an image in…
- ctx.drawImage(img,10,10); (ans)
- context.drawImage(img,20,10,10,10);
- context.drawImage(img,10,20,10,10,20,20,10,10);
- All of these
What is the difference between Server-Sent Events (SSEs) and WebSockets in HTML5?
- WebSockets can perform bi-directional (client-server and vice versa) data transfers, while SSEs can only push data to the client/browser.(ans)
- SSEs can perform bi-directional (client-server and vice versa) data transfers, while WebSockets can only push data to the client/browser.
- WebSockets and SSEs are functionally equivalent.
- None of these.
What is the internal/wire format of input type=”date” in HTML5?
- YYYY-MM-DD (ans)
What is the limit to the length of HTML attributes?
- 65536
- 64
- There is no limit. (ans)
- None of these.
What is the purpose of the <q> element in HTML5?
- It is used to define the start of a term in a definition list.
- It is used to define attribute values for one or more columns in a table.
- It is used to define the start of a short quotation.(Ans)
- It is used to define what to show browsers that do not support the ruby element.
What is the role of the <dfn> element in HTML5?
- It is used to define important text.
- It is used to define computer code text.
- It is used to define sample computer code.
- It is used to define a definition term. (ans)
When does the ondragleave mouse event get fired in HTML5?
- It gets fired when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target.
- It gets fired when an element leaves a valid drop target. (ans)
- It gets fired at the end of a drag operation.
- It gets fired while an element is being dragged.
Which event is fired when an element loses its focus in an HTML5 document?
- onfocus
- onload
- onblur (ans)
- onselect
Which following are valid default values for the <input type=”date”> HTML5 element?
- now
- 2013-05-30 (ans)
- 2013-30-05
- today
Which HTML5 doctype declarations are correct?
- <!doctype html>
- <!DOCTYPE html> (ans)
Which is the standard method for clearing a canvas?
- context.clearRect ( x , y , w , h ); (ans)
- canvas.width = canvas.width;
- context.clear();
- All of these.
Which media event is triggered when there is an error in fetching media data in HTML5?
- onstalled (ans)
- onwaiting
- onsuspend
- oninvalid
Which media event will be fired when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty?
- onerror
- onended
- onloadeddata
- onemptied (ans)
Which method of HTMLCanvasElement is used to represent image of Canvas Element?
- toDataURL() (ans)
- saveAsimage()
- saveFile()
- exportimage()
How can an HTML5 canvas size be changed so that it fits the entire window?
- #myCanvas {height: 100%; width: 100%;}
- <script type=”text/javascript”> function resize_canvas(){ canvas = document.getElementById(“canvas”); if (canvas.width < window.innerWidth) { canvas.width = window.innerWidth; } if (canvas.height < window.innerHeight) { canvas.height = window.innerHeight; } } </script> (ans)
- It depends upon the complexity of the canvas, and the frequency of redraws.
- Calling the JavaScript getWidth() function.
How can audio files be played in HTML5? var sound = new Audio(“file.wav”);
- sound.begin();
- sound.resume();
- sound.start();
- sound.play(); (ans)
How does a button created by the <button> tag differ from the one created by an <input> tag?
- An input tag button can be a reset button too.
- A button tag button can be a reset button too.
- An input tag button can include images as well.
- A button tag can include images as well. (ans)
In HTML5, which of the following is not a valid value for the type attribute when used with the <command> tag shown below? <command type=”?”>Click Me!</command>
- button (ans)
- command
- checkbox
- radio
Once an application is offline, it remains cached until the following happens (select all that apply):
- The application cache is pro-grammatically updated. (ans)
- The application cache gets automatically cleared by the browser.
- The manifest file is modified. (ans)
- The user clears their browser’s data storage for the site. (ans)
The following are valid use cases of client file/directory access in HTML5, except:
- Drag and drop files from the desktop
- Full file system access (ans)
- Use of the HTML5 File API (ans)
- Use of files as HTML5 input types
The following link is placed on an HTML webpage: <a href=”http://msdn.com/” target=”_blank”> MSDN </a> What can be inferred from it?
- It will open the site msdn.com in the same window.
- It will open the site msdn.com in a new window. (ans)
- It will open the site msdn.com in a frame below.
- It will not be clickable as it is not formed correctly.
True or False: HTML5 Canvas can be used to create images.
- True (ans)
- False
True or false: JavaScript objects can be stored directly into localStorage.
- True
- False (ans)
What does P2P streaming mean when web applications establish a P2P HTTP connection using HTML?
- It means that streaming of a voice/video frame is direct, without using any server between them. (ans)
- It means that streaming of a voice/video frame is first between one peer to the server then the server to another peer.
- Communication does not rely on a shared relay server in the network.
Which method of the HTMLCanvasElement is used to represent an image of a canvas element?
- toDataURL (ans)
- toImageURL
- saveAsPNG
- saveAsJPEG
Which of the following <link> attributes are not supported in HTML5?
- size
- rev (ans)
- rel
- charset (ans)
Which of the following are sample use cases for HTML5 web workers?
- Polling URLs in background
- Syntax highlighting without blocking code editing capabilities in online IDEs
- Motion tracking input in realtime with a video element
- All of these. (ans)
Which of the following are the valid values of the <a> element’s target attribute in HTML5?
- _blank (ans)
- _self (ans)
- _top (ans)
- _bottom
Which of the following are true about the ARIA role attribute in HTML5?
- Every HTML element can have an ARIA role attribute specified. (ans)
- Every HTML element is required have an ARIA role attribute specified.
- The attribute must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens representing the various WAI-ARIA roles that the element belongs to. (ans)
- There is no ARIA attribute called “role”.
Which of the following are valid ways to associate custom data with an HTML5 element?
- <tr class=”foo” data-id-type=”4″> (ans)
- <tr class=”foo” id-type=”4″>
- <tr class=”foo” data-id_type=”4″> (ans)
- All of the above.
Which of the following is the correct way to display a PDF file in the browser?
- <object type=”application/pdf” data=”filename.pdf” width=”100%” height=”100%”/> (ans)
- <object type=”application/pdf” id=”filename.pdf” width=”100%” height=”100%”/>
- <input type=”application/pdf” data=”filename.pdf” width=”100%” height=”100%”/>
- <input type=”application/pdf” src=”filename.pdf” width=”100%” height=”100%”/>
Which of the following is the correct way to play an audio file in HTML5?
- var snd = new Audio(“file.wav”); snd.play();
- <audio controls> <source src=”file.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”> <source src=”file.mp3″ type=”audio/mpeg”> </audio> (ans)
- <source src=”file.mp3″ type=”audio/mpeg”>
- All of these.
Which of the following is the correct way to store an object in a localStorage?
- localStorage.setItem(‘testObject’, JSON.stringify(testObject)) (ans)
- localStorage.setItem(‘testObject’, testObject)
- localStorage.add(‘testObject’, testObject)
- localStorage.addItem(‘testObject’, testObject)
Which of the following is the correct way to store an object in localStorage? var obj = { ‘one’: 1, ‘two’: 2, ‘three’: 3 };
- localStorage.setItem(‘obj’, obj);
- localStorage.setItem(‘obj’, JSON.stringify(obj)); (ans)
- localStorage.setItem(‘testObject’, JSON.parse(testObject));
- localStorage.setItem(obj);
Which of the following methods can be used to estimate page load times?
- Using _gaq.push([‘_trackPageLoadTime’]) with Google Analytics. (ans)
- Using the Navigation Timing JavaScript API. (ans)
- Page load times cannot be estimated.
- Using built-in JavaScript methods.
Which of the following shows correct use of client-side data validation in HTML5, on username and password fields in particular?
- <input name=”username” required /> <input name=”pass” type=”password” required/> (ans)
- <input name=”username” validate=”true”/> <input name=”pass” type=”password” validate=”true”/>
- <input name=”username” validate/> <input name=”pass” type=”password” validate/>
- There is no way to implement client-side validation for the username and password fields in HTML5.
Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the <hr> and <br> elements of HTML5?
- The <hr> element acts in the same way as the tab key and the <br> element acts in the same way as the shift key.
- The <hr> element is used to insert the horizontal line within the document and the <br> element is used to insert a single line break. (ans)
- The <hr> element is used to put a line across the page and the <br> element acts in the same way as a return/enter key press.
Which of the following statements regarding WebSockets is true?
- It communicates with the server with only the data required by the application.
- It lowers the latency of connections for interactive web applications.
- It scales better and consumes less server resources than HTTP AJAX/long-poll.
- All of the above. (ans)
Which of the following video file formats are currently supported by the <video> element of HTML5?
- MPEG 4 (ans)
- Ogg (ans)
- 3GPP
Which of the following video tag attributes are invalid in HTML5?
- play
- loop
- mute
- pause (ans)
Which of the following will detect when an HTML5 video has finished playing?
- var video = document.getElementsByTagName(‘video’)[0]; video.onended = function(e) { } (ans)
- var video = document.getElementsByTagName(‘video’)[0]; video.onPlayend = function(e) { }
- var video = document.getElementsByTagName(‘video’)[0]; video.onPlayFinish = function(e) { }
- var video = document.getElementsByTagName(‘video’)[0]; video.onPlayBackended = function(e) { }
Which of the following will restrict an input element to accept only numerical values in a text field?
- <input type=”text” pattern=”[0-9]*” /> (ans)
- <input type=”number” />
- <input type=”text” pattern=”\d*”/>
- <input type=”text” pattern=”number”/>
You are writing the code for an HTML form and you want the browser to retain the form’s input values. That is, if a user submits the form and presses the browser’s back button, the fully populated …
- accept
- autofocus
- autocomplete (ans)
- formtarget
You want to create a link for your website allowing users to email the webmaster. How will you implement this if the webmaster’s email address is webmaster@xcompany.com?
- <a href=”mailto:webmaster@xcompany.com”>webmaster</a> (ans)
- <a href=”webmaster@xcompany.com”>webmaster</a>
- <a http=”mail:webmaster@xcompany.com”>webmaster</a>
- <mail http=”send:webmaster@xcompany.com”>webmaster</mail>
Which of the following attributes gets hidden when the user clicks on the element that it modifies? (Eg. hint text inside the fields of web forms)
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- placeholder (ans)
- formnovalidate
Which of the following code is used to prevent Webkit spin buttons from appearing on web pages?
- input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; }
- input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } (ans)
- noindex:-o-prefocus, input[type=number] { padding-right: 1.2em; }
- input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; padding-right: 1.2em; }
Which of the following examples contain invalid implementations of the ampersand character in HTML5?
- foo & bar
- foo &0 bar
- foo &0; bar (ans)
- foo&&& bar
Which of the following HTML5 features is capable of taking a screenshot of a web page?
- Server-Sent Events
- Canvas (ans)
- Web Workers
Which of the following is a possible way to get fullscreen video played from the browser using HTML5?
- <object> <param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true” />
- <video allowFullScreen=”true”>
- <video height=”100%” width=”100%”> (ans)
- None of these.
Which of the following is not a valid attribute for the <video> element in HTML5?
- controls
- autoplay
- disabled (ans)
- preload
Which of the following is not a valid syntax for the <link> element in HTML5?
- <link rel=”icon” href=”abc.jpg” sizes=”16×16″>
- <link rev=”stylesheet” href=”abc.css” type=”text/css” target=”_parent”> (ans)
- <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/pdf” hreflang=”fr” href=”manual-fr”>
Which of the following is the best method to detect HTML5 Canvas support in web browsers?
- isCanvasSupported()
- !!document.createElement(“canvas”)
- !isCanvasSupported()
- !!window.HTMLCanvasElement (ans)
Which of the following is the best method to store an array in localStorage?
- var localStorage[names]=new Array(); localStorage.names[0]=prompt(“New member name?”);
- var names = []; names[0] = prompt(“New member name?”); localStorage[“names”] = JSON.stringify(names); var storedNames = JSON.parse(localStorage[“names”]); (ans)
- Storage.prototype.setObj = function(key, obj) { return this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(obj)) } Storage.prototype.getObj = function(key) { return JSON.parse(this.getItem(key)) }
- localStorage.setItem(‘names_length’, names.length); localStorage.setItem(‘names_0’, names[0]); localStorage.setItem(‘names_1’, names[1]); localStorage.setItem(‘names_’ + n, names[n]);
Which of the following is the correct way to check browser support for WebSocket?
- console.log(WebSocket ? ‘supported’ : ‘not supported’);
- console.log(window.WebSocket ? ‘supported’ : ‘not supported’); (ans)
- console.log(window[WebSocket] ? ‘supported’ : ‘not supported’);
- console.log(window[‘WebSocket’] ? ‘supported’ : ‘not supported’);